How to Root Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro And Install TWRP Recovery

Posted by Droid Flashpedia on Friday, April 20, 2018

Before getting started, i would like to mention a few warnings and prerequisites which are must read for every user intending to root Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro.

Your're rooting your Smartphone on your own responsibility and we shall not be held responsible for any damage you cause to your Smartphone by any means during the process. We are not responsible for bricked Smartphones.
Well! That sure as hell was the boring part of this tutorial. Now let's talk about some essential things you'll need to download in order to root your Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro.

Your're rooting your Smartphone on your own responsibility and we shall not be held responsible for any damage you cause to your Smartphone by any means during the process. We are not responsible for bricked Smartphones.  Well! That sure as hell was the boring part of this tutorial. Now let's talk about some essential things you'll need to download in order to root your Xiaomi Redmi Note 5

Before that make sure your device is charged above 80%. Turn on OEM unlock and USB debugging in the Developer Options. If you don't know how to enable Developer Options by tapping MIUI version 7 times then don't sweat yourself bro, you will be just fine without rooting. In order to unlock bootloader, head on to Xiaomi Unlock website and follow the on screen instructions. Also make sure to keep all of your Smartphone's data backed up.
Now there are two methods by which Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro can be rooted. First one being very simple but less powerful and second one is very powerful but complicated, just a bit.
Just head on to XDA link which provides One Click Root Solution by XDA member Princ3V for Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro. While getting the links at the bottom, don't forget to drop some appreciation for us as well.
Now if the first easy method doesn't work, boy you have a lot of work to do. Download TWRP recovery file for Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro, ADB and Fastboot tools installed on your PC.
To enter Fastboot mode, turn off your Redmi Note 5 Pro completely. Now press Power ON/OFF and volume down button simultaneously until you feel a vibration coming from your Smartphone which means your phone is in fastboot mode now.

Your're rooting your Smartphone on your own responsibility and we shall not be held responsible for any damage you cause to your Smartphone by any means during the process. We are not responsible for bricked Smartphones.  Well! That sure as hell was the boring part of this tutorial. Now let's talk about some essential things you'll need to download in order to root your Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro.theandroidsoul
From there on, create a folder on your PC Desktop, name it anything you feel easy on head, just say Donald Trump. Now place the TWRP recovery file you downloaded in this folder. While you are in the folder press left shift button and right click to ‘Open command window here” or ‘Open Powershell window here‘.
Type "fastboot devices" command in the command prompt terminal window. After that type the command "fastboot boot twrp_whyred.img" which should reboot your Redmi Note 5 Pro into recovery. For that you will need to type "fastboot reboot".

Your're rooting your Smartphone on your own responsibility and we shall not be held responsible for any damage you cause to your Smartphone by any means during the process. We are not responsible for bricked Smartphones.  Well! That sure as hell was the boring part of this tutorial. Now let's talk about some essential things you'll need to download in order to root your Xiaomi Redmi Note 5
Now the job of PC is over, you can head on to TWRP recovery from your Redmi Note 5 Pro by shutting your Smartphone down and after that pressing power + volume down key for a moment till your device reboots into recovery.

So, let's just flash file and your Smartphone is rooted.
The links for all the files you will need to download can be found in the comment section. Feel free to ask any question, give a feedback or show some love.

on click solution 
Minimal ADB and Fastboot 
Xiaomi Unlock Page: 


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