These PUBG Memes Are So True That You Could Pass Out

Posted by Droid Flashpedia on Saturday, June 23, 2018

|PUBG Memes| PUBG has become every gamer's favorite game in such a short time and yet we feel like we've been playing PUBG since forever. Therefore we decided to collect some of the funniest yet realistic PUBG Memes for you to enjoy them while you're doing a chicken dinner, most probably!

Now we are doing so many chicken dinner's everyday that chicken species might go extinct within few years if it continues at the same pace. The only thing Fortnite is doing better than PUBG is saving chickens from extinction and that could be why people often make it PUBG vs Fortnite.

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I don't know if the rest of the world will understand this PUBG meme but a Breaking Bad fan could definitely die of laughing after watching this Meme.

Well! Pochinki it is.

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This Meme never get's old! The expression of this guy is so loud and clear that it fits every Meme.

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Hope you've enjoyed watching these PUBG Memes. Keep visiting us for more fun and tech news. 
Son:What's for dinner tonight Mo'm?
Mom: A chicken! 


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