Minimal ADB serta Fastboot Tool yaitu utiliti yang dibuat oleh shimp208 (pengembang xda) yg memungkinkan Anda buat menginstal file adb dan fastboot versi terbaru pada personal komputer Anda tanpa perlu menginstal semua paket SDK Android.
Di sini, pada page ini kami sudah berhasil ke versi modern dan versi usang dari minimal adb serta alat fastboot.
Features of Minimal ADB and Fastboot Tool
The total installation of Minimal ADB and Fastboot tool is around 2 mb only (where as android sdk package takes more than 500 mb).
You dont have to setup the minimal adb and fastboot tool manually, simply run the setup and it will install the files in C:Program Files/Minimal ADB and Fastboot folder).
Quick Installation:
As minimal adb and fastboot installation package is hardly of 2 mb, so it takes few seconds to install on the computer.
Download Minimal ADB and Fastboot Tool
Minimal Adb Fastboot v1.4.tiga
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