How to Flash Vivo NEX PD1805F
For Flashing Vivo NEX PD1805F there are several ways, as using OTA, AFTool (Vivo Official Tool), QFIL (if asupported), or Other Qualcomm Tool.
Recommended to use OTA firmware to be more secure, or if you want to use Fastboot and Split firmware better use AFTool.
Kesalahan dikala flashing atau salah memilih rawprogram akan mengakibatkan perangkat mengalami kesalahan booting atau akan menyebabkan imei hilang.
OTA Firmware Vivo NEX PD1805F
If your device can still go into recovery mode or just want to do OS update, recommended to use OTA firmware type, Because OTA Firmware is safe to use.
Please select the version as per your requirement.
Fastboot Firmware Vivo NEX PD1805F
We recommend using this firmware if the device is not able to enter recovery mode, It is recommended to use AFTool (Official Tool Vivo) for flashing.
Type: Fastboot Flash File, Size: 3.7GB
SoC: Qualcomm Sdm845
Os: Android 8.1.0 OREO
Product Name: PD1805F
Product Model: 1805
Google Drive AndroidFileHost
Split Firmware Vivo NEX PD1805F
This Firmware recommended to be used if the device can not be completed in any way, or the device is experiencing Brick Dead after Flash 9008.
Type: Split Flash File, Size: 3.7GB
SoC: Qualcomm Sdm845
Os: Android 8.1.0 OREO
Product Name: PD1805F
Product Model: 1805
Google Drive AndroidFileHost
VIVO BBK5.1.11 Version.7z
Type: Tool Size: 249MB
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