Flash & reset & Repair guide
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Tutorial bypass bootloader xiaomi |
Log Rom
Manufacturer ID: 0x15 (Samsung)
Product name: AJNB4R (0x414a4e423452), rev: 0x07, serial number: 0xEDB4E835
Manufacturing date: May2019
CID: 15010041 4A4E4234 5207EDB4 E8355300
CSD: D0270132 0F5903FF F6DBFFEF 8E404000
EXT_CSD revision: 1.8 (MMC v5.1)
Capacity: 14.57 GiB(15,646,851,072 bytes)
Partition berita:
Boot1: 4096 KiB
Boot2: 4096 KiB
RPMB: 4096 KiB
User area: 14.56 GiB(15,646,851,072 bytes)
Cache size: 64 MiB
Hardware reset function: 1
Partition configuration: 0x38
No boot acknowledge is sent (default)
User area is enabled for boot
Partitioning support: 0x07
Device support partitioning feature
Device can have enhanced technological features
Device partitioning possible
Boot configuration protection: 0x00
Boot bus conditions: 0x00
Boot area write protection: 0x00
Power-on write protection: possible
Permanent write protection: possible
Lock status: not locked
User area write protection: 0x50
Password protection features: enabled
Power-on write protection: possible
Permanent write protection: not possible
Lock status: not locked
platform: msm8952, cpu abi: arm64-v8a
manufacturer: Xiaomi
hardware: qcom
board: msm8952, name: kenzo [unknown]
brand: Xiaomi, contoh: Redmi Note 3
build id: NRD90M, version: 7.0 Nougat (MiuiPro), mod: kenzo_mam_global (MIUI9)
build date: Thu Mar 8 01:07:51 CST2019, security patch:2019-02-01
build description: hydrogen-user 6.0.1 MMB29M V8.dua.3.0.mbccNDL release-keys
soc(CPU): Qualcomm Technologies, Inc MSM8956
memory(RAM): 2 GB, storage: 16 GB
rom zone: 1
rpmb state: 14
crypto state: unencrypted
boot serial no: edb4e835
serial no: edb4e835
baseband version: 976_GEN_PACK-1.103654.1.105572.1
ril version: Qualcomm RIL 1.0
sim state: READY,ABSENT
iccid: 8962115036437859944,,null,
signal strength[1]: -80 dBm 60 asu [LTE, XL(51011)]
signal strength[2]: -1 dBm 99 asu [Unknown, ]
bt chip: WCN3680
android id: e7937f117b02a5c9
client id: android-xiaomi
bt addr: 22:22:52:4f:1b:9a
wifi mac:
region: RU
locale: id-ID
battery level: 78persen
superuser: yes (dua.82:SUPERSU)
selinux: permissive
Bahan-Bahan Flashing
Tutorial Flasing
Caranya misalnya biasa,flash pada contoh edl/port qualcomm 9008,test pointnya bisa lihat gambar![]() |
Test point redmi note 3 kenzo |
Log Backup
Scanning for Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 device...
Download Port: Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 (COM16)
Connection status: EHCI:HUB:HUB:USB 1.16 Full-Speed
USB Driver: [Qualcomm Incorporated] qcusbser, version:, date: 7-29-2011
platform: msm8952, cpu abi: arm64-v8a
manufacturer: Xiaomi
board: msm8952, name: kenzo
brand: Xiaomi, contoh: Redmi Note 3
build id: NRD90M, version: 7.0 Nougat (MiuiPro) (MIUI9)
build description: hydrogen-user 6.0.1 MMB29M V8.dua.3.0.mbccNDL release-keys
Reading gpt_main0 at 0x00000000-0x000043FF size: 17 KiB... Done.
Reading modem at 0x04000000-0x093FFFFF size: 84 MiB... Done.
Reading fsc at 0x0C000000-0x0C0003FF size: 1 KiB... Done.
Reading ssd at 0x0C000400-0x0C0023FF size: 8 KiB... Done.
Reading sbl1 at 0x0C002400-0x0C0823FF size: 512 KiB... Done.
Reading sbl1bak at 0x0C082400-0x0C1023FF size: 512 KiB... Skipped
Reading rpm at 0x0C102400-0x0C1823FF size: 512 KiB... Done.
Reading rpmbak at 0x0C182400-0x0C2023FF size: 512 KiB... Skipped
Reading tz at 0x0C202400-0x0C4023FF size: dua MiB... Done.
Reading tzbak at 0x0C402400-0x0C6023FF size: dua MiB... Skipped
Reading hyp at 0x0C602400-0x0C6823FF size: 512 KiB... Done.
Reading hypbak at 0x0C682400-0x0C7023FF size: 512 KiB... Skipped
Reading dsp at 0x0C702400-0x0D7023FF size: 16 MiB... Done.
Reading modemst1 at 0x0D702400-0x0D8823FF size: 1.50 MiB... Done.
Reading modemst2 at 0x0D882400-0x0DA023FF size: 1.50 MiB... Done.
Reading DDR at 0x10000000-0x10007FFF size: 32 KiB... Done.
Reading fsg at 0x10008000-0x10187FFF size: 1.50 MiB... Done.
Reading sec at 0x10188000-0x1018BFFF size: 16 KiB... Done.
Reading splash at 0x14000000-0x14AFFFFF size: 11 MiB... Done.
Reading aboot at 0x18000000-0x180FFFFF size: 1 MiB... Done.
Reading abootbak at 0x18100000-0x181FFFFF size: 1 MiB... Skipped
Reading boot at 0x18200000-0x1C1FFFFF size: 64 MiB... Done.
Reading recovery at 0x1C200000-0x201FFFFF size: 64 MiB... Done.
Reading devinfo at 0x20200000-0x202FFFFF size: 1 MiB... Done.
Reading system at 0x20300000-0xC02FFFFF size: 2.50 GiB... Done.
Reading persist at 0xD4000000-0xD5FFFFFF size: 32 MiB... Done.
Reading misc at 0xD6000000-0xD60FFFFF size: 1 MiB... Done.
Reading keystore at 0xD6100000-0xD617FFFF size: 512 KiB... Done.
Reading config at 0xD6180000-0xD6187FFF size: 32 KiB... Done.
Reading oem at 0xD6188000-0xDA187FFF size: 64 MiB... Done.
Reading syscfg at 0x1021C0000-0x10223FFFF size: 512 KiB... Done.
Reading mcfg at 0x102240000-0x10263FFFF size: 4 MiB... Done.
Reading cmnlib at 0x104000000-0x10403FFFF size: 256 KiB... Done.
Reading keymaster at 0x104040000-0x10407FFFF size: 256 KiB... Done.
Reading cmnlibbak at 0x104080000-0x1040BFFFF size: 256 KiB... Done.
Reading keymasterbak at 0x1040C0000-0x1040FFFFF size: 256 KiB... Done.
Reading apdp at 0x108000000-0x10803FFFF size: 256 KiB... Done.
Reading msadp at 0x108040000-0x10807FFFF size: 256 KiB... Done.
Reading dpo at 0x108080000-0x108081FFF size: 8 KiB... Done.
Files saved to \%BACKUPSpersenXiaomiRedmi%20Note%203persen20Qualcomm(kenzo)hydrogen-userpersen206.0.1persen20MMB29M%20V8.2.tiga.0.mbccNDLpersen20release-keys
Redmi NOTE tiga Kenzo Modif Miui 9 Plus UBL
Sekian dari kami,rom modif miu 9 redmi note tiga kenzo,jika ada gendala? Silahkan tinggalkan pesan dalam kolom komentar dibawah ini.
Selamat ,mencoba dan semoga sukses
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